PAG 2016

PAG 2016

The IWGSC organized two workshops and a business meeting at PAG 2016.

IWGSC workshop at PAG 2016

The IWGSC scientific workshop at PAG 2016 took place on Saturday 9 January 2016 from 8:00 to 10:10 am. The workshop included a talk on the IWGSC whole genome sequencing project and other talks on the generation or use of wheat genomic resources. As usual, the workshop also included a talk by an early career award recipient. This award is given to a young scientist nominated by anyone in the wheat community and selected by the IWGSC leadership.

Organizers: Kellye Eversole and Catherine Feuillet


8:00 am: Assaf Distelfeld, Tel­ Aviv University, Tel­ Aviv, Israel. Assembly and validation of the wild emmer wheat genome. Abstract

8:20 am: Curtis Pozniak, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. IWGSC whole genome shotgun sequencing of Chinese Spring: Towards a Reference Sequence of Wheat. Abstract - Slides

8:35 am: Hana Simkova, Institute of Experimental Botany, Olomouc, Czech Republic. BioNano Genome Map of Bread Wheat 7DS Arm Supports Sequence Assembly and Analysis. Abstract - Slides

8:55 am: Hong­Qing Ling, Institute of genetics and developmental biology, CAS, Beijing, China. Genome sequencing of Triticum urartu – the progenitor of wheat A genome. Abstract - Slides

9:15 am: Aleksey Zimin, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States. Assembly of the 4.5Gb ancestral wheat D ­genome from hybrid PacBio and Illumina data. Abstract - Slides

9:35 am: Pierre Sourdille, INRA UMR Genetics, Diversity & Ecophysiology of Cereals, Clermont­ Ferrand, France. Exploitation of the 5BS physical map to complete the SKr crossability locus. Abstract

9:55 am: Early Career Awardee - Tingting Zhu, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA, United States. Evolution of genome structure in polyploid wheat revealed by comparison of wheat and Aegilops tauschii whole­genome BioNano maps. Abstract - Slides

IWGSC Standard & Protocols workshop at PAG 2016

The IWGSC Standards and Protocols workshop at PAG 2016 took place on Tuesday 12 January 2016 from 1:30 to 6:10 pm. The workshop focused on the assembly and quality control of BAC-based chromosome pseudomolecules and the integration of multiple map and sequence-based resources to produce the bread wheat genome reference sequence.

Organizers: Jane Rogers and Frederic Choulet


1:35 pm: John Jacobs, Bayer CropScience NV. Shaping Wheat for the Future: Leveraging the Wheat genome sequence in Crop Efficiency Research and Breeding. Abstract - Slides

1:55 pm: Frederic Choulet, INRA GDEC. Sequencing and analyses of chromosome 1B. Abstract - Slides

2:15 pm: Hiroyuki Kanamori, National Institute of Agrobiolical Sciences. Sequencing and Assembling a Pseudomolecule for the Wheat Chromosome 6B. Abstract - Slides

2:35 pm: David Konkin, National Research Council Canada. Never eat shredded wheat – Navigating through reference and survey wheat assemblies using diverse mate-pair libraries. Abstract - Slides

2:55 pm: Matt Clark, The Genome Analysis Centre. Integrating whole genome datasets into a BAC by BAC approach to wheat chromosome sequencing

3:15 pm: Song Weining, Northwest A&F University. Application of single molecule sequencing to facilitate de novo sequencing of wheat chromosome arm 7DL. Abstract

3:35 pm: Break

3:55 pm: Ming-Cheng Luo, University of California. Construction of pseudomolecules for the Aegilops tauschii genome, the wheat D genome progenitor. Abstract

4:15 pm: Hana Simkova, Institute of Experimental Botany. Practical Aspects of BioNano Mapping of the Wheat Genome. Abstract - Slides

4:35 pm: Gabriel Keeble-Gagnere, Murdoch University. Towards a finished sequence for chromosome 7A: Building a high-quality pseudomolecule. Abstract - Slides

4:55 pm:Philippe Rigault, GYDLE. Hybrid assembly tools and strategies for a high quality wheat reference

5:15 pm: Michael Alaux, INRA - URGI. IWGSC Sequence Repository: Moving towards tools to facilitate data integration for the reference sequence of wheat. Abstract - Slides

5:35 pm: Cristobal Uauy, John Innes Centre. A wheat gene expression browser implemented by the expVIP customisable RNA-seq data analysis and visualisation platform. Abstract - Slides

5:55 pm: Discussion

IWGSC Poster presented at PAG 2016

IWGSC PAG 2016 poster FINAL small

PAG 2016 pictures

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 08 January 2021 | By: ic