IWGSC business meeting at PAG 2019

IWGSC business meeting at PAG 2019

The IWGSC Business meeting took place on Saturday 12 January from 6:20 to 8:30pm in Pacific Salon 4-5.


  1. Welcome & Opening Remarks: Kellye Eversole
  2. IWGSC Leadership: Presentation of IWGSC Leadership Awards
  3. IWGSC Pan-Genome initiative
  4. Jacob Enk, Arbor Biosciences: IWGSC/Arbor Biosciences Exome Array - Wheat Exome V1, Status Update
  5. Identification of gene family leaders for manual and functional annotation
  6. Identification of individuals working on gene cloning or marker development on RefSeq
  7. Michael Alaux: Discussion on how to provide updated gene annotations for inclusion in IWGSC RefSeq annotation v2.0.